
Welcome to the Art Gallery!

Here you'll find (some) of my artworks, a lot of which weren't posted anywhere because I thought they were too bad/cringey, or because I just didn't really see any need for posting them. There's a lot of stuff missing, most notably the stuff that's on paper and on my iPad. Here's what I was able to compile for now, and hopefully in the future I'll be able to add whatever else I can find!

Some of the dates (especially for the older stuff) may not be 100% accurate, due to Windows sometimes altering the created/modified dates. 

Thanks for checking out the Art Gallery! A lot of of the stuff is pretty bad so please just be nice okay? 


Table of Contents:


Boba Cat: 2023-10-19

Four Year Anniversary: 2023-10-15

Witch Cat: 2023-10-15

Zomb: 2023-10-11

Jordan Birthday: 2023-10-10

Swordsmaidchine: 2023-10-08

Lil Man: 2023-10-04

Mario Dreams: 2023-10-01

5 Minute Animation: 2023-09-29

Stream Sketches: 2023-09-27

Sketchbook: 2023-09-26

Cheer: 2023-09-25

Charity: 2023-06-08

Chess: 2023-05-18

Bustin: 2023-02-04

Battlepass: 2023-01-19
(Based on a plushie by Meyoco)

Boys: 2023-10-09

El Wiwi: 2023-10-09

Grandma: 2023-10-09

Landscape Practice: 2023-01-06

2021 - 2022

Why am I Here: 2022-09-06

Pokemon Birthday: 2022-08-11

Walking Away: 2022-04-15

OC: 2021-11-10 (Pose traced/referenced work by vickisigh)

Stranger: 2021-09-05

NumberOne: 2021-05-17

Found: 2021-04-27

Missing: 2021-04-27

Stardrop: 2021-04-27

Frog Friend: 2021-03-21
(Possibly by Tracey?)

Alien Friend: 2021-03-21


Buba FeelsAmazing Unused:

Buba Sad Unused:

Buba WHAT Unused:

Buba Bongo Unused:

Buba Bongo Unused:

Buba Bongo Unused:

Hello Luigi: 2020-11-02
(Trace/Redraw of Mario Video)

Hello Mario: 2020-11-02
(Trace/Redraw of Mario Video)

Buba RNG: 2020-10-28

Buba Bongo: 2020-10-28

Halloween 2020-10-16 2020-08-29

Buba Smash: 2020-08-02

Buba Panic: 2020-08-02

Buba Pain Alt: 2020-08-02

Shy: 2020-07-17

Pride Cat: 2020-07-07

S: 2023-06-24

Gasm: 2020-06-24

Evil: 2020-06-24

Heart: 2020-06-24

Pog: 2020-06-24

Gun: 2020-06-24

Buba Pain: 2020-06-15

Panels: 2020-05-31

Spaghetti Wendy: 2020-05-11

Buba Banner: 2020-04-26

Postcard: 2020-02-13

Buba Banner Old: 2020-01-21

Fungus Bowl: 2020-01-17


Christmas for Frog: 2019-12-22

Buba Offline: 2019-12-04

Sara BiCat: 2019-10-13

Honk: 2019-10-13

Erg French: 2019-09-19

Buba Woo: 2019-08-18

Highrule: 2019-07-31

Birthday Rat: 2019-07-28

Raichu: 2019-07-12

Monty Mole: 2019-07-04

Richard Acne: 2019-07-04

Justin: 2019-06-02

Stevemander: 2019-05-29

Weed: 2019-04-21

Buba Guitar: 2019-04-11

BubaGasm: 2019-03-27

Buba Knee Slap: 2019-03-25

Buba Sad: 2019-03-24

Snooze: 2019-02-23

Buba Hypers: 2019-02-23

Bad Decision: 2019-02-17

Eyes: 2019-01-20

I Voted: 2019-01-15

Fungus Misexplained (Typo): 2019-01-11

Kneed Wave: 2019-01-11

Sub Badges: 2019-12-22
(Date Varies)

Old Panels: 2019-01-02

2018 and Earlier

Bad Joke: 2018-12-22

Isabelle Smash Bros: 2018-09-16

Shogun Offline: 2018-08-20

The Simp: 2018-08-03

Fungus Offline: 2018-07-21

Spongebob Swears Animation/Lip Sync Test: 2028-04-02

SpongeBob Swears Animation.mp4

Robot: 2018-02-27

Sugar Skull Eevee: 2018-02-25

Bionaut: 2018-01-21

Whoops: 2017-12-17

OK Motors: 2017-11-23

Merssey: 2017-10-22

Gengar: 2017-10-01

Jolteon: 2017-09-23

Cloud: 2017-08-22

WitchBoi: 2017-05-27
(Traced Witch Mercy Emoji)

Recently Added/Unknown

Gengar Glow in the Dark: 2017-10-03

Kingdom Hearts Isabelle: 2019-09-16

Robot Sprite Test: 2020-01-05

Alerts Test: 2019-01-27

Hydrate Bot: 

Hydrate Bot:

Michael Mouse:

Buba Pokemon: Pre 2023. Verify Date

Buba Pokemon: Pre 2023. Verify Date