Andrew (Right)
I first met Andrew when Tracey suggested I raid him during a Breath of the Wild stream. It was one of the largest raids I had ever done at the time, and to this day, is the only time chat had massively participated in sending hype raid messages.
We were ignored for over ten minutes.
When Andrew finally noticed the raid, he read a message from Tracey and believed that the raid was from Tracey's stream. Tracey did not correct him and took credit for the raid thinking it would be funny.
In retrospect, it was.
It was very funny.
At the time I did not find it funny. I did not find it funny at all.
I was pissed.
I was very pissed.
And so I decided to put Andrews username on a sticky note so that I would never forget his name and never interact with him ever again.
I probably lost it almost immediately. I know this because I completely forgot about Andrew entirely.
A few months later I found myself in the StateOfCrisis channel through a raid. [Citation Needed: At present I cannot confirm if I was the one who raided.] Completely having forgotten about what had happened previously, I found myself watching a tipsy Andrew play one of the Hollow Knight pantheons, before switching to Marvel's Spider-Man and walking around New York City.
I thought he was very funny... and nice... (among other things.) [Citation Needed.]